"Getting rid of everything that doesn’t matter allows you to remember who you are. Simplicity doesn’t change who you are, it brings you back to who you are."

Sunday, September 12, 2010



1. The action of making ready or being made ready for use.

2. Something done to get ready for an event or undertaking.
Both of these definitions are true for me today.
Garden prep:  I took action this morning in getting the 3 beds ready to plant for my fall garden. 
I noted the other day that the Mel's Mix is DRY AS A BONE.  A better visual is that it has the consistancy of flour. 
We got some rain yesterday...as in very little.  And I noticed NO worms, they're long gone, but tons of spiders. I applied a fresh bag of cow compost to each bed and...on my hands and knees...mixed that in with the existing soil. 
Turned the hose on...one bed at a time...and started "soaking" the bed while on worked on the next one. 
I then mixed the "dry and wet" together the same as if I were baking.  Similar folding motions.  By the time I was done, all the beds were nice and wet, a lumpy consistancy, but not soaking wet...as in mud.
I plan on hitting it again this afternoon with water and then tonight I'll direct sow my seeds and transplants (hopefully).
The reason I say hopefully is because of the second definition of "preparation". 
Something done to get ready for an event or undertaking.
Uh... Yeah.  I'll be having my upper and lower GI tomorrow and we all know what that means. 
"Go to the happy place...GO TO THE HAPPY PLACE!"
Ooooh look...more pretty pictures!  (grin)  *PS...disturbing comments will be deleted...this means you Mom!*


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