"Getting rid of everything that doesn’t matter allows you to remember who you are. Simplicity doesn’t change who you are, it brings you back to who you are."

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter

It's been a quiet weekend here so far. 

I was on post-ops Saturday morning and then came home to spend the afternoon napping in my chair, listening to the rain.

And boy did it rain. 
Close to 3 inches.
Almost 6 inches for the month already.

Plus we were hit with 2 frosty mornings this past week that were fortunately light. 

The blueberries and strawberries pulled through just fine.  The peach was already past it's bloom but the apples were just starting to pop.  I'm not sure yet if the blooms were killed off or just delayed.

Our Oak tree has bloomed already.  Both SM and I noted that it has never leafed out in April.  Never.  It always waits until May along with the crepe myrtles which are last to pop. 

I expect it will be another quiet day here at the house.  Church and Easter dinner.  The ground will be too soggy to play outside today so I'll have to find something to do inside.

Happy Easter Everyone!


  1. Our day will be on the quiet side, also. Dinner around 5 o'clock and then Family Reading Night . . . just the three of us . . . hubby, daughter and me.

    I want you to know I'm getting my spring fix by reading your blog and seeing your pictures. We still have snow on the ground (got more yesterday) and would sure like to have it gone now.

    Have a lovely, relaxing day!

  2. You are blessed with rain! We've been promised a smattering the last few days but nothing ever materialized. Enjoy the unfolding of spring!

  3. Wouldn't it be great if we could order up the rain just when we need it and make it only fall gently? No sooner had I repaired the damage caused by the first gullywasher than another came along and did it all again. I'm grateful for the rain of course, but it would be nice if it came a little more gently. :)
