"Getting rid of everything that doesn’t matter allows you to remember who you are. Simplicity doesn’t change who you are, it brings you back to who you are."

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Sweet Cheeks

** I am dedicating JANUARY 2016 as the month of the "rewind".  I'm going to highlight some of my personal favorite posts this month. Enjoy these Blasts From The Past. ***

SM and I went and did the "mother-load" of shopping yesterday.  We went to Sams Club for our bulk purchases first and then went to Walmart for the smaller stuff. 

We were trolling around with the cart at Walmart, wandering up and down the crowded asiles.  Sometimes we would seperate to grab an item here and there.  I came back after grabbing some catfood and I noticed this in the top basket.

I didn't say anything. 

We went to check out and I started gabbing with the cashier about "life".  She's bagging our food items as she's scanning and SM is grabbing the bags and putting them back in the cart.  The last thing is the Honeybun and as she scans it, she stops gabbing for a minute and hands it directly to SM, looks him in the eye and says... "I know you'll want to eat this first thing."

I started laughing and even SM had to smile when I said "Funny, how she knew that belonged to you."

I turned to the cashier and added, "I almost asked you to ring that up seperately."  (grin)

BTW, SM said it was very good. 

Such a bad, bad boy.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes a person just has to walk on the wild side and do those really bad things. ;o}
