I was asleep enough that I didn't open my eyes but as I sat forward, tossing the blanket off, leaning foward, raising my arms and lifting my shirt automatically, I heard...
"You poor thing."
I opened my eyes and saw SM in the other recliner observing me. I think I smiled at him. Not really sure because I flopped back into the chair and passed out again. (Is it possible to live without R.E.M. sleep?)
I thought about SM's comment this morning though. And of all the other comments he's made to me lately.
"You look great." or "Come here, Beautiful."
Now, I know he's said these words to me before throughout our marriage. It's just that now...when I need it the most...I'm finally hearing it.
And I'm thankful for that.
That I can wake up enough to notice that he's sympathetic to what I'm going through. (Thanks, Baby...)
And that I can also apprecticate that, while I've certainly seen better days, he still thinks I'm beautiful.
When I say all this to him, letting him know that he's getting boo-coo points in my book, he just waves me off with a smile.
"Hey, I read the Owners Manual."
That's right you did!
Smart Man....@;)
What a great hubby! (and a great sign)
ReplyDeleteI'm in the same boat . . . except at night, when I have the thermostat as low as it will go without freezing up the system, my husband of soon to be 26 years is nearly frozen so he tries to sneak a little closer to take advantage of the major heat my body is generating - only to be given what he calls the "mule kick" (to which I'm truly not aware of). He's great - and I feel bad . . . so I crocheted him a large blanket!
ReplyDeleteI think he's read the "Owner's Manual" too. :-)
Smart man. Lucky lady.
When I started having hot flashes in june I new there was no way I could deal with that for any extended time period. I have been taking black cohash capsules and after 1 week they were gone. Im so much more happier!