The past few weeks I've been boiling water on the stove to add some precious humidity to our air.
We've got a warm mist humidifier by the bed but whenever I'm home and it's cold outside, I've got the water boiling.
It's makes the house feel warmer, decreases the chance of a static electric ZAP and soothes our throats and noses.
So as I type this I'm watching a pretty plume of steam rise into the air.
Mmmm. Steam.
Hey...That's an idea.
Lets talk McSteamy and McDreamy, Mer and Christina, GEORGE! OMG GEORGE!
Yep. I discovered The Netflix Binge with Grey's Anatomy.
I can totally understand why people binge-watch on Netflix. It's perfect. One episode after another. No freaken cliffhangers. No waiting a year (or two Thank You Game of Thrones).
Nope. If you're willing to wait a few years until the regular TV season wraps up, Netflix will pick it up and you can watch it all in one big session.
I never ever had ANY interest in watching Grey's for the 14 years it was on regular TV, but one day it was sitting in my "trending" list on Netflix and I punched GO on the first episode and I was hooked.
Shonda Rhimes...You are a goddess!
The perfect combination of Girl-Power...


Ugly crying...
And WTF!

I swear that episode scarred me for life!
So are you a Grey's Fan?

Have you developed a brain tumor yet?
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