"Getting rid of everything that doesn’t matter allows you to remember who you are. Simplicity doesn’t change who you are, it brings you back to who you are."

Saturday, February 9, 2013


February has always been a tough month for me to get through. 

They might as well have called it Feb-blah-wary.  It's a tweener month to me.  Just some afterthought of winter but (hopefully) a bridge month to Spring. 

At least around here.  (I expect some of ya'll might not dig out from under the snow until May.) 

Here in the South, I can be looking at planting onion sets over the next few weeks.  Once March hits, I'll be able to put up the hoop house and get some lettuce, peas and carrots going outside.  And inside I'll get my tomatoes and peppers seeds going. 

But that's in March and when you're up at 5 am sitting in the cold darkness of a Winter morning, March seems like it's a l o n g ways off.

So I plod on through my days looking for some kind of excitement in my life to share with you through this blog.  It's so boring around here, I've been tempted to take a break from posting. 

But that just doesn't set right with me.  Life is not a continuous circle of excitement, is it?  There are times of just "being" if you get my drift.

There's nothing to post about.  Really.  What a snoozefest it's been around here.

SM and I have been hard at work at our respective occupations.  February is the month I always get twitchy at work and start looking for another job.  Why? Who knows?  I'm just bored I guess.  I couldn't tell you why I'm bored.  They've got me working such long days and even some weekends.  When I do get home, I'm butt tired.  Do you know what butt tired is?  Butt tired when you're so tired all you can do is just sit on your butt and stare into space.

What a bore!!!

SM is tired too.  Although he's flat on your back tired. 

Last night I woke up with him walking in the door at 11:30, tired to the bone and hungry.  I discouraged the food (at that hour) plopped him in front of the TV till he was nodding and then tucked my poor boy into bed and snuggled in after him.

So this is what our days have been like lately. 

How about you? 

Care to whine a bit?

Go ahead!  I can take it! 

You're telling me how boring YOUR life is, is likely to be the highlight of my day!


  1. Boring? I want a boring life so I can fill it with the thousands of things I want to do but never seem to find time to do!

    No matter that you say you have nuthin' to blog about. Your posts are still enjoyable. So feel free to keep blogging about not having anything to blog about.

    (Good thing you don't live up here, 'cause our spring is still three full months away!)

  2. Oh yes, Feb-blah-ary is the perfect name for this month! I have plenty to do between home work and kids so if you get toooo bored come on over!

  3. Yep, itching to do some gardening here too, even if it will be containers for this year. So many plans for the next year, but have to get over the hump of paying off some credit stuff so I can buy a place of our own. I am trying to be patient but it's not easy.

  4. February is the month when I question why we live where we do. Today is driving rain, 32*, with 30mph wind gusts and 6" snow on the ground. Doesn't that sound disgusting!?
    Warmth is still months away for us...

  5. Yep. tired here too. And it's funny that my wife and I cruise job sites this time of year too. And NOW she wants a farm!

  6. You said it. Pretty much the same over here. We are however having some unseasonably warm temps recently so I have been outside doing. Weeding the weeds left from the end of fall, measuring for a change to our chicken run, putting the metal part of the roof on the coop-finally after aquiring the metal in fall. Hoping the warm temps hold through till spring. That would be so nice. But I am most likely dreaming on that.

    @ 3Beeze Homestead
