"Getting rid of everything that doesn’t matter allows you to remember who you are. Simplicity doesn’t change who you are, it brings you back to who you are."

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Last Hurrah?

I went out and wandered the garden today.  I wasn't expecting much but was curious as to what was happening.

Besides weeds that is.

We've smothered a good bit of the front section.  The sweet potatoes that I planted back in June have spread out a bit more but seriously!!! 

Is this all the growing Ya'll are going to do?  Bummer.

A word of warning to anyone silly enough to buy Matt's Wild Cherry seeds more than once.  I planted them ONE TIME and this is about my fourth year of volunteers. 

They are everywhere which I suppose isn't a bad thing since they are the only tomatoes that we're getting right now.  I even saw some growing in my neighbors yard.  The birds must've helped "distribute" them @;)

I picked a few peppers and wandered over to the winter squash/pumpkin patch which is a complete fail this year.  September is right around the corner and still no female blooms.  Very weird.

Speaking of September...Does anyone else get the feeling that we're in for an early Fall? 

Usually August is a killer around these parts but it hasn't been too bad this month.  This week we're heading back into the 90's but just last week we had the windows open at night.  Very pleasant.

At least the zinnias are still producing.  I planted more of the jumbo size this year and I'm really happy with the bouquets I'm cutting.  I have 4 jars of flowers in my house alone. 

We have another nice day today so SM and I will be working on the deck again.  We painted and stained a bit yesterday.  We're matching the fascia with the trim paint on the house.

The privacy wall is stained in cedar.  I'm not sure I like it.  Too red for my taste but SM says to wait and see how it looks when everything is finished.  I can always paint it later I suppose.

Today we made 2 runs to get the deck boards you see above. 

Back and Forth, Back and Forth.

These are pressure treated and need to "cure" by drying a bit before I stain them.  We ripped up the old boards and tossed them back by the shed and then laid these out, cup side down to dry. 

It seems like this deck project is dragging out forever.  I'm hopeful that we can wrap things up in the next few weeks.

I'd really like to use it now that Fall is right around the corner.


  1. My pumpkins have no female flowers either. Lots of beautiful, huge male blooms, but no ladies. Not sure why.
    I had the same feeling this morning that we are in for an early fall, although I don't know why. Temps are supposed to be in the triple digits next week. Have mercy.
    Aren't zinnias just wonderful? I really like the cactus variety I planted this year.
    Enjoy your week!

  2. Ha! I've had the same experience with Matt's Wild Cherry tomatoes! (Good tasting itty-bitty tomatoes but soooo small.) My first (very first!) zinnia blossom opened up just today. Crazy, crazy summer this year all around, I'd say.

    The deck may be taking a long time, but it sure is attractive.

  3. Thanks for the warning vis a vis the MWC tomatoes - I almost bought seeds. That deck looks fabulous! And it will be finished in time to enjoy your lovely fall weather. I sure hope it's not an early fall - but since we have had the temps in the low 50s to mid 40s for a week straight, I tend to think you're right. Weird garden this year.
