"Getting rid of everything that doesn’t matter allows you to remember who you are. Simplicity doesn’t change who you are, it brings you back to who you are."

Sunday, June 28, 2015

June Wrap Up

The 2015 gardening year has surely been an interesting one so far. 

April was colder than normal.  May was dry with no rain and June...Well, June has given us some rain (ie: not much) but has been as hot as August would normally be.

Surprisingly, the garden has hung in there with squash (both winter and summer) being this year's star performer.

We were told that the weather would break with the cold front that moved through yesterday but "ha ha" no such luck unless 5 degrees colder is what you would consider a break.

Supposedly, by the time The 4th of July hits we'll be back in the 100's.

Fingers crossed that I'll be able to get the winter squash to ripen soon and then I'll just cover everything, run back into the air conditioned bliss of my humble abode and wait till September.

You know...That thing called "Fall".


  1. Yep, the abnormal weather continues all over the country. Your garden still looks lush and lovely. My shivering zinnias would like a bit of your heat.

    Really like your new header photo.

  2. Wow your garden looks great. We are in Ohio and our garden is way behind yours. We have had lots of rain and at times it has been pretty cool.

  3. We got over three inches of rain yesterday and water in the basement. We (my guy) used the shop vac to get the water out of the window well without sucking up two frogs that seemed to think it was the local pond! Well, at least the tomatoes are growing like crazy so that's good.

  4. Are you already picking zinnia bouquets? My seed.ings from my greenhouse are coming along but no flowers yet. We also are having a different summer....drought like conditions that we aren't use to. Mid west Canada. Keep posting Tami, I enjoy your blog. Thanks Mardy
